Clean code
Last updated ago - September 6, 2023Free clean code courses
- Uncle Martin’s (Author of Clean Code Book) Lectures
- Clean Code - JavaScript
- Clean Code - TypeScript
- Scrimba - Clean Code Tutorial
Paid clean code courses
Additional content about clean code
- 10 Common JavaScript Clean Code Mistakes
- Kent C. Dodds - AHA Programming
- What does abstraction mean in programming?
- Demeter’s Law: Don’t talk to strangers!
- 5 Javascript Clean Coding Patterns To Enhance your Code
- The second one does not includes the mutation. Correct one:
[...arr].sort((a, b) => a - b)
- The second one does not includes the mutation. Correct one:
- How to interrogate unfamiliar code (how to keep the code readable and easy to understand)
- Will4_U (co-creator of bewebdev 😊) - Maintain a high quality codebase with an ease
- Naming cheatsheet